Saturday, July 18, 2009

'Ello Poppet (I'm Not From England)

Hey! My name is Brizz. Yeah, that's my real name. Well, you may find some things that I post to be rude, offensive, uncalled for, or just really.... well.... sucky. If so, KEEP READING, OR MY BLOG WILL UNLEASH FURY ON YOUR BLOG. Hopefully... So, I guess to kick off this grand occasion of me making myself a little blog, (who came up with the word "blog" anyways? What is it even supposed to mean? Like, if it's supposed to sound intelligent, someone NEEDS to speak with the person that made up that word.) I will give you a little sample of my thoughts. So, we have the first African American president. Mr. Barack Obama. I like him. I think he is a kind man. Kathy Griffin got nominated for TWO Emmy's this time around. I hope she gets them both because she is *hackin* hilarious. (For those of you who aren't keeping up with the hip lingo those crazy kids use now-adays, "hackin" adds emphasis to whatever I just said. I.E. It was pretty important... to me.) But honestly, her mom is way funnier. Marilyn Manson is on tour with Slayer and Job For A Cowboy. If you have bad comments to make about him, this is your excuse to not ready any further on ANY of my blogs. Because I think he is brilliant. Hahah okay, maybe not all the time. But, being serious, I think he really is a true artist. I wanted to go see them EXTREMELY badly, but ya know, a thirteen year old attending a hell-ish concert is really just asking for someone to get killed. If ya catch my drift. The next best alternative is.... GO SEE HANNAH MONTANA THE MOVIE IN 3-D. Who the *freak* would ever want to waste time to watch that? No disrespect, and I love saying that because it's like a free insult, no disrespect, but Hannah Montana is really the worst singer/performer I have ever encountered. And learning the Hoe-Down Throw-Down... Uh, no thanks. FORGET THAT!!! If I wanted a "Funked-up" country dance, I would take a squaredancing class and, you know, just start free-styling with the breakdancing.

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