Monday, December 14, 2009

Thanksgiving Was Great. And How About This Twitter Craze?

You ever read something that you wrote and think it's really hilarious. Well, I do and I just have to share.
"November 17, 2009
Heyo!! Dude, in contemporary 4-5 we learned a four minute Turkey-Jam in less than two hours. It's probably the best holiday themed dance ever choreographed. The Pat-Y-O Workshop was WICKED t.s.n.y. I think Pat-Y-O is a J-BreeZ fan. :-P My birthday was also wicked great. I got a ton of money and some sick stuff and the LINKIN PARK ROAD TO REVOLUTION DVD/CD. Sully says I'll be getting my present from... PJ MACWILLIAMS BON BON soon. What a name. Haha. We get to go to Connecticut fo' T-Giving. Way better than the nerdbombed celebration of '08. That had "gay" written all over it. But I love it down in Thomaston, so this should be fun. G'night!"

That Thanksgiving turned out to be the most entertaining holiday of all time. The Brizz Fam gets crazier by the season. As my bro says, he got to see the loving, caring family that would all get together and pray before they eat. I get the family where everyone shows up drunk and yelling, and just cackle when g-ma is the only one saying grace. Oh lord, what a generaton gap. Hah, one of my personal favorite scenarios of the weekend:
Steve (cousin): "Well, thanks mom. I'm about to head out. Let me just grab some booze before I leave." (Grabs a full bottle of vodka.)
Mike (brother): "Steve, you are a sh*tty human."
Steve: "Don't worry. I'll return it tomorrow... Empty."
Awesome. Gotta love the family. According to my mem' and her ever-decayin memory, she was a great dancer when she was younger and could put both her legs behind her head. Yeah, okay gram. She's crazy.
WE die when love is dead. We lost a dream we never had.
~LOVE.IS.DEAD [tokio hotel]
We had UN LATE START today! Who doesn't love an extra two hours of sleep? No one! With the exception of people who don't like them.
I think Twitter is really entertaining. Not just because I can publicize the best blog EVER and not to mention... my website:-) but because it shows how ridiculous people are and how much some kids need attention. Today, I just discovered after having a twitter for... 7 months now? that if you click @lpkidd or whatever your name is, it shows all the tweets that are replied to you. WHOA. I read them and almost all of them were girls from school.
"Heyyyyyyyyy follow me?????????"
"Hey sista. follow me!"
"whoa, you're on here?!? follow me!"
The only person I'm gonna follow out of all of those is the one who said,
"HEYY! I didn't know there were any other average people on here."
Take that, chikas. QUOTE ME ON THIS, IT WILL BE FAMOUS. A person is not defined by the number of followers they have, but by the quality of their tweets. Thank you. And good night.

1 comment:

  1. "A person is not defined by the number or followers they have, but by the quiality of their tweets"
    Words of wisdom Jennifer.
