Saturday, December 12, 2009

Oh Winter. The Worst Point Of The School Year, Fuzzy Socks and Christmakwanzuka (Winter Solstice)

Happy December! Winter, to me, is THE worst part of the year. And as luck will have it, I'm landed in the section of the United States where winter is longer than most of the other seasons. Awesome. Even though we get a lot of vacation days and snow days away from school, I think it's the worst part of the school year besides March. Winter at school is when you discover what the year will truly be like. It's when teachers pile on the projects that count for 200% percent of your grade and give you three days to do it. Are you passing math, because I believe 200% would be your grade in two trimesters. Tricky. Plus, you find out who the kids are that you TRULY despise and who you should stick to in your classes. People's dark sides come out, trust me. My favorite confidence-wrecker is when kids are like "oh man, I'm just so good at this subject" then recieve a progress report and it has a big fat F for FAILURE of it. Classic. Why just the other day in math (my FAVORITE subject *roll eyes unappreciatively) a boy goes "Ah, I'm so good at math" to himself. After correcting the homework, he precedes to ask the teacher if she can put numbers 5-18 on the board. The assignment was 5-25. 7 right. Yeah, you're just a freakin' genius. Also, winter is when our first report cards come out, and there's always a couple of the slackers that come out with B's. How does that happen. We should all just stop trying and we'll succeed in life. THIS BLOG HAS THE SECRET TO LIFE. If you don't try, you will succeed. Simple as that. Some good things about winter would be the fact that you can wear all the slammin' fuzzy socks you want and not have heat stroke. I am a HUGE fan of socks, so this is a big deal for me. Next time you want to wish someone a winter greeting, don't take the chance of offending any religion and say Happy Christmakwanzuka Winter Solstice. It combines Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and Winter Solstice all together. It's a fool proof way of bringing holiday cheer. LOL(Lots.Of.Love) ~ your favorite blog writer :-)

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