Friday, December 4, 2009

Things That Purplex Me Are How Teachers Manage To Give You Chills Just By Looking at You and Why There Would Be A Boy In A Balloon

I don't know about anyone else, but I absolutley hate when teachers just look at you. Especially if you're working and they pretend you can't see them while they're glaring over your shoulder all croweded in your space. Look, I'm not blind. Could you leave me a little room to breathe? Thanks. Or even if you're the best working student ever, and they shoot you "the look" on accident, and you are frozen with shock. Like, "what the eff did I do!". I hate that. Happened at least four times today. God, I think I deserve a little more respect than that. Hahaha today, things are just crazy. Really! Everything now adays is just wacked out. Like that whole balloon boy shinanigans? What is that all about? Oh, and my favortie part of that whole thing is that people are so set on ripping on the fabulous Michael Jackson, that they manage to make more MJ jokes out of it. And they aren't even funny... Just upsetting. (To me). Example... Looks like Michael Jackson was ordering take-out in heaven again.
Wow. Hilarious. Haha those unappreciateve HATERZ. And Lady GaGa. When did she get here? She popped out no where and now shes the avant-garde superstar of the new millenium. No, I think "avant-garde" is the understatement of the century here. She's just freaky. I'm tellin' you, go back and listen to when she was at least PG-13 in her Just Dance song, then go listen to Bad Romance. Ra ra ra ma ma, Ga Ga Oo La La. Really? A second grader could have written a better song. Granted, I love freaky artists and what not, but this is just disturbing to me. But hey, for all you GaGa fans of the world, no disrespect. You have complete freedom and also have total right to call me an ass for dissing her.
NOTE: If any of you have a definition for the word "abariginy", please e-mail be at THANKS.

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